Genetic Screening

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid (dee-ox-ee-ry-boe-new-klay-ik a-sid). It’s the chemical that makes up your genes, which contain the instructions that make you who you are, from the color of your eyes to the size of your feet.


DNA is made up of three different things: sugar, phosphate, and bases. These are joined together to make one really long chain that forms a shape called a double helix. DNA has a strong structure and can store information for a long time.

DNA code lives forever!

Even when you’re gone, your DNA code will live forever in your family.

Bases are the code of life

The order, or sequence, of the bases makes up the information in the DNA. There are four different bases in DNA, called A, T, C, and G. They make up the code for all life on Earth.

What is Genetic Testing?

A genetic test (or DNA test) is designed to look for variations in peoples’ DNA that can tell us something about them.

A simple saliva sample, which contains cheek and immune system cells, is all that is required for an analysis since every cell in your body contains your DNA and your unique genetic code. There are several different types of genetic tests, but all of them begin by extracting your DNA from the cells in your sample and preparing it for analysis.


Steps to test the DNA


A unique and personalized report, tailored with lifestyle and health recommendations just for you, is sent out within 15- 21 business days.


Once we receive your sample, our lab will securely process it with the latest technology and data analysis available.


A unique and personalized report, tailored with lifestyle and health recommendations just for you, is sent out within 15- 21 business days.

Types of Genetic Testing offered by

Why choose ?

Convenient with Free delivery and Return
Secure Personal Data
High Accuracy
Complementary 1-1 Counselling
Easy to understand PDF Report Summary
Certified Genomic Lab